Federal Student Tax Scam

Federal Student Tax Scam

by Dr. Kimberly Gibson -
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Greetings! I hope that this finds you all well and enjoying the beginning of summer.  I am posting this announcement to make you all aware of a recent financial scam  targeted towards students.  On May 27, 2016, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released a statement warning of a scam involving a bogus “Federal Student Tax.” As provided in their statement, the scam is currently presented as “phone calls from IRS impersonators demanding payment for a non-existent tax, the “Federal Student Tax.”

The statement includes further explanation of what the scam includes, how students and taxpayers can protect their information, and how the IRS is responding to the issue. More information on the IRS statement can be found on the IRS website, at https://www.irs.gov/uac/newsroom/irs-warns-of-latest-scam-variation-involving-bogus-federal-student-tax.    

Blessings to you all,
