Byanka Ramos-McNair Scholar-Research Study

Byanka Ramos-McNair Scholar-Research Study

by Natalie Nelson -
Number of replies: 0

Good Afternoon,

Please review the below information for a great survey opportunity to assist a fellow student at the Worden School of Social Service and a McNair Scholar!

Hello Students!

My name is Byanka Ramos and I am a student at the Worden School of Social Service and a McNair Scholar. I am in the process of conducting a research study under the mentorship of Dr. Karina Gil. My survey is going to be used to examine the relationship between acculturation and leadership style preferences.  I just wanted to encourage you to please take the survey. It will take 30 minutes of your time but your participation is greatly appreciated. All answers will remain anonymous and confidential.


Your participation is voluntary and you may stop at any time. If you chose to participate, you will be directed to Survey Monkey and will be directed to an explanation of the study and an informed consent form.


The link to the survey is as follows:


If you have any questions please contact me at, or Dr. Karina Gil at


Thank you for your time and participation,

Byanka Ramos

McNair Scholar 


Natalie Nelson

Online Student Services

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